Cannot even pass the "process is unsuccessful, please try again" pop up. I've tried to close then reopen the app, even reinstalled it. Please fix this.
okey sudah bisa..semoga tidak ada masalah pada saat order. bintangnya dirubah jadi 5. Ga bisa register padahal udah masukin no HP dengan benar. Dan masukin +62 ga bisa.
Sdh bbrp minggu ini, free delivery nya kok error? Free tapi biaya tetap ditagihkan. Sdh komplainke CS ktnya sedang kendal teknis, tapi kok sampe skrg blm diperbaiki? Ketika coba menu yg express via pick up at store juga menu search nya tidak berfungsi sesuai yg dicari, masa harus mencari dari beribu2 items yg ada.
Omaigat lama banget loadingnya, padahal internet saya lancar jaya, loading watson aja yg lama, baru instal langsung uninstall deh, ga niat nunggu lama
Udah ganti bulan uang g dibalikin jg.dicancel sepihak alasan sistem eror tp uang g dibalikin.wah parah..g bakal lagi order disini!
Slow app, error almost every time want to check out, like suddenly invalid voucher, can't add new address and phone number
Ok, first thing first, i love the promo, so thats why i installed the apps, but unfortunately i can't even login, because i forgot the password so i reset my new password, and guess what? I can't either reset my new password because there are so much arguments or whatever it is, so i was stucked and eventually i uninstalled the apps, so sorry...imho, I think this application should make it easier for users, so we can appreciate it more,i hope Watsons can hear me, thanks in advice..
Untuk isi Data Delivery dan No. Hp harus diulang2 baru berhasil.
Tried to sign up with mobile phone. It insisted the phone number must be 11 digits, whilst my mobile phone number is an old digit format that does not reach 11 digits. First time trying an app that has big ego. Goodbye!
tampilan barunya lenih keren & user friendly. cuma barangnya makin dilengkapin dong